Succinte observaţii privind transmiterea creanţelor bugetare deţinute faţă de un debitor aflat în insolvenţă (art. 264 ind. 1 din Codul de procedură fiscală)
Numărul 5 Anul 2024
The amendment, in 2018, of the provisions of the Fiscal Procedure Code, with an impact on the regulation on insolvency, in the sense of allowing the assignment of budgetary receivables is one that could not remain unnoticed. The simple positioning of the budgetary receivable, one whose image is linked, par excellence, to the need to ensure a total and rapid satisfaction in the assets of the budgetary creditor, next to the legal figure of the a...
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Clauzele abuzive fac imprescriptibilă contestaţia la executare
Numărul 4 Anul 2024
Entry into force of O. U. G. no. 58/2022 led, through an atypical technique of amending some norms of the Code of Civil Procedure, to the accreditation of an unusual solution in the enforcement legislation, but also in the procedurallegislation in general.There has appeared a type of enforcement appeal subject to the imprescriptibility period, which, both in relation to the traditionally established nature of the time limits for exe...
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Acţiunea pauliană, faţă în faţă cu procedura insolvenţei: urmărirea bunului înstrăinat prin actul desfiinţat ca urmare a admiterii acţiunii
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The new Civil Code did not limit to a terminological qualification of the claim that art. 975 of the Civil Code of 1864 recognized it to creditors prejudiced by „devious acts done by the debtor to the detriment of their rights”.The revocation action, because this was the qualification, is not immune to criticism in any case, the action made available to unsecured creditors, was outlined, at the level of primary legislation, a promising l...
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Rezilierea extrajudiciară, o reziliere mai „energică”? Studiu de caz: procedura specială a evacuării (art. 1. 034 și urm. C. pr. civ.)
Numărul 6 Anul 2022
The concern to find solutions that allow the creditor of the unexecuted obligation from a bilateral contract to settle the situation created by this non execution as quickly as possible was one of those that found its refl ection in the regulation of the New Civil Code.The addition to the two forms of resolution/termination known under the old Code – the resolution/termination pronounced by the court, respectively the resolution/terminati...
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Cea mai bună minciună este adevărul
Numărul 3 Anul 2020
Regardless whether you write for practitioners or for the academic environment, it is an exercise of great responsibility to review the text before publishing it. This is writing hygiene. It gives one the chance to detect not only spelling errors, but also judgment errors. (…) I am not always successful with this, precisely because writing rather gets me tired than attracts me. However, happily the safety net works because there was always so...
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Între condiţie și termen: art. 1.420 C. civ.
Numărul 5 Anul 2019
Art. 1.420 is part of the texts that Civil Code of 2009 did not take from the old Code. The text allows – in the case of an event considered by the parties as a term, but being an event, however not realized – that the provisions of chapter dedicated by the Civil Code to the term as a modality of the civil legal act to become applicable.The present study includes, in its first part, an analysis of the substantial aspects relevant to the ...
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