Radierea notării măsurii asigurătorii a sechestrului penal din Cartea Funciară a unui imobil din patrimoniul unei falite
Numărul 5 Anul 2017
Currently, deregistration from the land registry of the protective measure regarding seizure raises many problems in practice, mainly due to the lack of conformity of the applicable legislation (Law No. 7/1996, Criminal Procedure Code and National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration Order No. 700/2014).The legislator does not regulate clearly enough the de jure termination of seizure as a protective measure, the documents related t...
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Scutirea practicienilor în insolvenţă (administrator/lichidator judiciar) de la plata taxelor sau tarifelor pentru serviciile de cadastru şi publicitate imobiliară către Agenţia Naţională de Cadastru şi Publicitate Imobiliară
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
The National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI), through its territorial offices and agencies, has the legal obligation to offer its services free of charge to insolvent companies, according to the specific legal regulations in force which are indicated in this study. The main arguments are based on the speciality rules, the chronologic principle of adopting legal acts, as well as the principle of hierarchy and legal force of ju...
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Celeritatea și caracterul special al Legii nr. 85/2014 privind procedurile de prevenire și insolvență
Numărul 12 Anul 2014
The present study presents some important aspects in the new regulation regarding prevention and insolvency procedures, focusing, above all, on the principles of speed and specialty of this law. Law no. 85/2014 brought changes regarding its procedural mechanisms, among the objectives of the normative act being the guarantee of the speed of the insolvency procedure, in order to ensure both its efficiency and effectiveness. All participants invol...
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