Articole de la același autor Lect. univ. dr. Andrea Annamaria CHIȘ

Este judecător de peste 25 de ani și lector universitar dr. la Facultatea de Drept a Universităţii „Babeș Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, disciplina Drept procesual civil. A scris studii și monografii în materia dreptului substanţial civil și a celui procesual civil, individual și în coautorat.
De ce, ce și cum scriem știinţific în lumea juridică?
I read legal writings that are works of art, if you allow such a comparison. Buttoo few people read them if they do not solve a practical problem. Those whoapply the criteria I mentioned, and probably some other, they write, probably, for eternity. But I believe nothing is eternal (…) It is true thay there are long lasting principles and institutions that need to be know because we cannot build without foundation. But ...
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Rolul judecătorului în procesul civil în realizarea principiilor contradictorialităţii şi al dreptului la apărare
The two principles, of contradictory and of the defence rights established in articles 13 and 14 of CPC (Civil Procedure Code) are closely connected; the principle of contradictory being a guarantee of the defence rights; which is why we choose to treat them together, of course, related to the theme of the work, approaching them from the perspective of the judge’s role in achieving them, a role manifested in different stages of c...
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Scurte considerații privind aplicarea normelor de drept procesual civil în timp
The New Civil Procedure Code and the law for its application generate a transformation of the paradigm as regards the temporal application of the civil procedural law, operating a replacement of the system based on the isolation of the procedural act by the system focused on the stages of the civil process.The law for the application of the new Civil procedure code was requisite in order to endorse the transition form the former co...
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Procedura prealabilă a medierii şi regularizarea cererii de chemare în judecată în lumina noului Cod de procedură civilă
Along with the entry into force of the new Civil Procedure Code, the regularization procedure of the statement of claim and the preliminary procedure of mediation, that were optional under the previous regulation, became mandatory with several circumstantiation. A brief analysis of the new regulation is highly necessary.Within this study, many questions to be asked in the near future by both law practitioners and litigants are ri...
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