Modalităţi de utilizare a criptoactivelor

Numărul 5 Anul 2021
Revista Numărul 5 Anul 2021


The study is dedicated to the examination from a normative, theoretical and technical perspective of the utilization means of the cryptocurrencies as well as of the aspects regarding investors’ protection.


wallet, digital wallet, crypto-assets, cryptocurrency, public key, private key, custodial wallet, non-custodial wallet, wallet provider, virtual currency, provider of exchange services between fi at currency and virtual currency, exchange, centralized exchange (CEX), decentralized exchange (DEX), crypto broker, financial instrument.


Articolul este dedicat examinării din perspectivă teoretică, tehnică și normativă a modalităţilor de utilizare a criptomonedelor, precum și a aspectelor privind protecţia investitorilor.

Legislaţie relevantă: Legea nr. 129/2019, Directiva 2014/65/UE
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