Transmiterea părților sociale dobândite în timpul căsătoriei: soțul asociat vs soțul neasociat
04 01 2023
The current regulation enshrines the possibility of spouses to use the common assets as a contribution to the setting up of a company or for the acquirement of shareholdings in existing companies and outlines the legal regime of shares and corporate rights thus acquired. If the conditions for the use of common assets seem to be quite clear, the same cannot be said about the requirements imposed for the alienation of the shareholdings thus acqu...
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Din serialul „Legea societăților nr. 31/1990” – un nou episod: Legea nr. 223/2020 privind simplificarea și debirocratizarea transferului de părți sociale și a vărsării capitalului social prin modificarea Legii societăților nr. 31/1990 (în România)
04 01 2021
The title of the present article seems to suggest a happy ending for the new episode of the series that has been preoccupying the business environment for a long time due to the pleasant resonance that two terms produce in the reader’s mind: „simplification” and „debureaucratization”. Furthermore, noting to whom the two terms apply: to the „transfer of shares” and to the „payment of the share capital”, it could be said that the fans of our seri...
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