Statutul artistului… în căutarea unui autor ?!
05 01 2017
Artist’s social condition has known a difficult and therefore slow evolution. The artist has gained appreciation throughout time, being altogether subject to both admiration, adulation, and – even if occasionally – to public criticism; yet, irrespective of the stands taken and of the intense international public debate, its professional status remained until now uncertain. Most of the national laws do not regulate the artist’s status, which im...
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Costurile arbitrale în procedura de arbitraj internaţională, Regulamentul ICC, Regulamentul ICSID. Criteriul de alocare a costurilor arbitrale. Plata TVA-ului către arbitrii din perspectiva Regulamentului ICC
03 01 2017
By inserting the arbitration clause in their contract, the Parties agree that they shall both bear the costs of the arbitration proceedings equally.In its decision regarding the costs, the arbitral tribunal will consider any and all of the circumstances it deems relevant, including if and to what extent the each party carried its part of the arbitration in a time and cost-efficient manner.Regarding the subsequent allocation of cost...
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