Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: solicitare de clarificări

Jurisprudenţă comentată a C.N.S.C. Preţurile preluate copy paste de pe un site și justificarea preţului aparent neobișnuit de scăzut în achiziţiile publice
The Romanian National Council for Solving Complaints confirms that the mere submission of an e-mail without any identifi cation data does not account for a conclusive proof to justify an abnormally low tender. In a similar vein, a mere sworn statement from the bidder mentioning a discount received from the producer without any other proof should be disregarded by the contracting entity.Furthermore, if the producer in question even express...
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Excludererea automată a unui operator economic din perspectiva principiilor proporţionalităţii şi transparenţei în Cauza C 309/18, Lavorgna
 An economic operator can be automatically excluded from an award procedure for failure to list the labour costs separately without the possibility of supplementing or amending the tendering documentation. This exclusion can be possible even if a particular obligation (to list separately the costs) was not set out explicitly in the tender documents in so far as such obligation is regulated by public procurement law and award documentation ment...
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