Reflectarea principiilor guvernanţei corporatiste în legislaţia societară
12 01 2014
A modern society, where the corporate bodies are the main vectors of the economic life, needs solid rules to promote financial stability and to ensure that the companies are truly accountable not only to their shareholders but also to build and maintain public trust in companies and in their day to day management for the public benefit. This presentation aims to evaluate the enactment in the Romanian legislation, with special regard to the Comp...
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Unele contribuţii privind clarificarea regimului juridic al majorării capitalului social al societăţilor reglementate de Legea nr. 31/1990 privind societăţile, prin utilizarea procedeului (sursei) compensării unor creanţe lichide şi exigibile asupra societăţii, cu acţiuni ale acesteia
08 01 2014
The current study has as a main objective the thorough analysis of the legal issues regarding the increase of the registered capital of a company in different stages of its existence, including the judiciary reorganization procedure, using as a method and a source the “compensation of liquid and exigibil claims of the company with its own shares” stipulated in the last thesis of article 210, paragraph 2, Law no. 31/1990. Moreover, I tried to ...
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