Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: sancţiune

Protecţia datelor cu caracter personal în procesul de fuziune
The merger of the companies involves a ”transfer of assets”. The first question is whether personal data is an element of assets. The merger of companies requires that at least the data of one of the companies, acting as operator, to be transferred to another. The second question concerns the steps that negotiation teams need to consider regarding personal data. In this respect, the company’s relations with its contractors will be evaluated, ...
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Abuzul de poziţie dominantă
Ownership by a company of a dominant position on the relevant market is not prohibited, as a result of the efficiency of the business carried out. A dominant position is sanctioned if it has been illicitly acquired or exploited abusively.Abuse of a dominant position is manifested when, by its behavior, a trading company influences the structure or degree of competition on that market by using manifestations, anti-competitive practices, ...
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