Noutăţi privind răspunderea antreprenorului potrivit Codului civil (I)
01 01 2013
This article represents the first part of a study aimed to provide an overview of the main novelties related to contractor’s liability under the Romanian Civil code. In their study, the authors referred to the relevant provisions of the Québec Civil code, as it represented one of the main sources of inspiration for the Romanian Civil code, and to the related doctrine as well. The authors also outlined the potential issues to arise due to the ...
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Probleme privind rezoluţiunea contractului în Noul Cod civil (III)
10 01 2012
Under this third part of the analysis regarding the resolution and the annulment of contracts as provided under the new Civil Code, the authors are analysing the effects of the resolution, the abatement of provisions, the partial resolution and the prescription of the right to be reimbursed the provisions rendered under the annulled agreement. Moreover, a comparability analysis between the resolution and other methods of agreement cancellation...
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Probleme privind rezoluţiunea contractului în Noul Cod civil (II)
09 01 2012
In this second part of the analysis regarding the resolution and resiliation of contracts under the new Civil Code the authors review the regulation and practical utility of the unilateral resolution and of the resolutory clauses, insisting on the regulation and consequences of the de jure operation of resolution in certain situations.
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Rezoluțiunea în Noul Cod civil (I)
08 01 2012
This article represents the first part of a series dedicated to the resolution and resiliation of contracts under the new Civil Code. In this first part the authors review several novelties regulated by the Civil Code concerning mainly the notion and conditions of contract resolution, but also confront issues on which the legal doctrine has had under the previous regulation and continues to have incongruent interpretations (such as the condit...
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