Repere ale evoluției modalităților dreptului de vot în adunările generale ale asociaților societăților reglementate de Legea nr. 31/1990 privind societățile și de Legea nr. 297/2004 privind piața de capital
07 01 2016
Through this study we aimed to conduct a historical and critical examination of the ways in which, both the Law no. 31/1990, with all its subsequent amendments, and Law no. 297/2004 referring to capital market, by reference to the European provisions, regulated the conditions and the procedures for exercising the voting rights at general meetings of shareholders, in general and, in particular of joint stock companies shareholders regardless of...
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Negocierea între părți a contractului de credit
03 01 2016
The paper highlights the role and importance of negotiation between the parties to the credit agreement in order to achieve the object of the contract. Being the legal instrument through which the parties materialized their goals on the desired consumer credit and offered by the bank; the credit agreement shall contain any provision that would lead to achieving the outcome pursued by the parties.The first phase of negotiation is performe...
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