Fiducia – operaţiune juridică insolită în dreptul românesc (I)
09 01 2014
The first part of the study aims to analyze the institution of trust and the property held in trust.Continuing the idea of the Roman-Germanic system, system which remain pervious only if the native elements do not afect its essence; we are not pleading for the efficiency of the trust’s and as a direct consequence, for its introduction in our law.This complex legal operation is an absolute novelty in the Romanian legal landscape, ev...
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Scurte considerații asupra fiduciei în reglementarea noului Cod civil
09 01 2013
In addition to the classical vision of property, taken from the Napoleonic Code of 1804, the New Romanian Civil Code brings new elements of a postmodern nature, which are essential for understanding the concept in current society. The blending of principles specific to continental law (inspired by French, Italian, and Dutch law) with those of the Province of Quebec (of a mixed, continental nature with strong common law implications) creates a ...
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