Rolul judecătorului în aflarea adevărului în procesul civil și cel penal
03 01 2023
The role of the judge is currently viewed with a certain degree of skepticism by society in general, especially due to the procrastination of judicial disputes brought to trial, but few litigants are aware of the judge’s work behind the scene.This is precisely the reason why we have chosen to treat in three distinct levels what characterizes the role of a judge in a pending trial, choosing to treat both from a doctrinal and jurisprudenti...
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Excepţia de nelegalitate în contenciosul administrativ şi fiscal. Pledoarie pentru invocarea ei oricând, în cadrul unui proces
03 01 2012
The right of any person to invoke the illegality of an administrative or fiscal act is clearly stipulated in art. 4 parag. 1 of Law no. 554/2004. However, some authors and, moreover, the Romanian High Court of Cassation and Justice have imposed a series of admissibility conditions in order for this right to be allowed. Some consider that the illegality of such acts can only be accepted as a defence when invoked within the one year term, stipu...
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