Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: procedură specială

Societăţi pe acţiuni. Natura procedurii judiciare de întocmire a unui raport suplimentar privind unele operaţiuni reclamate de acţionari
03 01 2022
The procedure by which the right of informing the significant shareholders, by which the drawing up of a supplementary report, is used is a special procedure, regulated by Law no. 297/2004 and Law no. 24/2017, which is completed with the provisions of the contentious procedure contained in the Code of Civil Procedure.
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Validitatea şi eficacitatea limitată a convenţiei arbitrale în raport cu unele proceduri speciale, cu referire la procedura ordonanţei de plată
As a rule, according to Article 533 of the New Code of civil procedure, ”making of a arbitration convention precludes, for the case, the competence of the courts of law”.Nevertheless, according to Article 554(2)(b) of the New Code of civil procedure, ”the court of law shall retain competence when … (b) the arbitration convention is null and void or ineffective”, and also under other specific provisions, the effects of the arbitrat...
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