Tendințe de unificare a practicii judiciare în materia prescriptibilității cererilor privind contestarea unor clauze ce fac obiectul convențiilor de credit
04 01 2019
The request for the termination of the abusive clauses in the credit agreements is imprescriptible, being subject to the regime of absolute nullity, since it penalizes violation of norms of public order. The application for the restitution of benefits provided under the canceled clauses, whether it is formulated together or separately from the main application, has a distinct prescriptible regime. As the object of the requested benefits is rep...
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Nașterea creanței fiscale
06 01 2017
The article presents an analysis of the institution of the rise of the tax claim, a legal institution to which, under the Old Tax Procedure Code (Vechiul C. pr. fisc.), another legal entity of fiscal law is transferred: the prescription of the right of the fiscal body to establish tax receivables.Although we are talking about norms that have been the subject of The Old Fiscal Procedure Code (Vechiul C. pr. fisc.), their shadow is still ...
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