Soluții notariale în domeniul vânzărilor de imobile cuprinse în patrimoniul cultural
01 01 2024
The author, after emphasizing the importance of the protective regulation for real estate, protection supported by the adoption of Law no. 422/2001 of July 18, 2001, on the protection of historical monuments, law amended, adapted and noted some uninspired statements offered by the legislator and the effects of which are ascertained by public notaries when they perform their professional services, by issuing transferable ownership documents rel...
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Probleme juridice în domeniul vânzărilor de imobile cuprinse în patrimoniul cultural
02 01 2023
The author emphasizes the importance of the protective regulation for real estate, protection supported by the adoption of Law no. 422/2001 of July 18, 2001, on the protection of the historical monuments, an amended and adapted law.He also notes some uninspired statements offered by the legislator that are found in the rules of the special law and whose effects are noted by public notaries when performing their professional services, by ...
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