Reflecții jurisprudențiale asupra contractelor inteligente în contextul Legii privind datele
05 01 2023
As the rapid advancement of technology continues to reshape various aspects of society, the legal domain faces new challenges in adapting to the transformative capabilities of smart contracts. Through a nuanced analysis, the paper delves into the fundamental concepts and philosophical underpinnings of jurisprudence, investigating their applicability to the realm of smart contracts. Drawing on historical legal precedents and theoretical framewo...
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Tratamentul creditelor în monedă străină în Spania
08 01 2015
The case-law of courts from EU states in the field of foreign currency loans reveal not only the common legal background but also the common problems that both the courts and the beneficiaries of the credits from EU Member States have to address. Given the current context of creating a uniform legislation for protecting credit consumers around Europe, an appeal to the case-law from other Member States can prove to be a source of inspiration for...
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