Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: interpretare uniformă

Timpul de repaus – necesitatea formulării unei trimiteri preliminare la Curtea de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene
The decision to send a preliminary reference to the ECJ belongs to the national judge, if there is a doubt on the interpretation of a rule contained in an European Union act. The article argues on the need for a uniform interpretation by the ECJ on the provisions on daily rest of the Directive 2003/88/EU.The paper analyses the factual and legal situation in the context of preliminary reference principles on the necessity to send prelimi...
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Caracterul identic pe fond al prevederilor dreptului concurenţei la nivel naţional şi a celui supranaţional. Care este incidenţa acestuia asupra admisibilităţii cererii de pronunţare a unei hotărâri preliminare?
03 01 2013
The objective of Dzodzi doctrine is to forestall future divergent interpretations of a provision of Union law in cases where the national law has adopted the same solution for the purely internal as for the cross-border situations. The first of the objections raised by Advocate General Cruz Villalón is that in cases where Dzodzi doctrine applies, Kleinwort Benson doctrine must simultaneously be applicable.
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