Responsabilitatea socială corporativă din perspectivă
juridică. O discuție actuală
04 01 2016
juridică. O discuție actuală
It is a fact that economy has undergone profound changes, in recent years, that have changed the physiognomy of companies and corporate law, and at the same time put ethics on the jurists’ agenda. The new stakeholder approach to corporate governance, regarding the maximization of the interests of all the parties impacted by the activities of a company, implicitly generates corporate social responsibility (CSR). The doctrine of ”legitimate expe...
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(Dez)echilibru de gen privind administratorii și directorii societăților europene cotate la bursă? Studiu de drept comparat
06 01 2015
Contrary to other professions, where there is a relatively balanced gender representation, there is a manifest disproportion in the case of boards of directors of listed companies in the European Union. In 2014, women accounted only for 20% of the total number of board members, 21% of the number of non executive members, 13% of the number of executive members and 3% of the number of CEOs. There are important differences between the member Stat...
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