Modalități și motivații ale tehnicii “piercing the corporate veil”
11 01 2015
Lately, the Romanian legal authors discuss quite a lot about the legal technique by which the assett partition realized by means of creating a separate legal person is canceled. Recent legislation has been issued containing explicit general norms to this effect. But beyond the single label ”piercing the corporate veil”, American and European case-law established several modalities of this technique, each one adapted to a different objective pu...
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Grupurile de societăţi din perspectiva practicii judecătorești
11 01 2015
In this paper we aim to analyze how the domestic courts have examined the issues related to groups of companies within the judicial actions submitted to them. The analysis shall reflect how the groups of companies are treated from conceptual and terminological point of view, if there is an interest of the group recognized apart from the interest of the group companies and whether the mere fact of their belonging to the group generates certain ...
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