Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: GDPR

GDPR: Noi orientări privind valabilitatea consimțământului în cazul „cookie walls” și al acțiunilor swipe/scroll în cadrul unui website
02 01 2020
The European Data Protection Board („EDPB”), the European Union’s independent body mandated to ensure the consistent application of Regulation no. 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data („GDPR”), issued, in May 2020, new specific guidelines for the interpretation and application of the GDPR provisions on consent for processing personal data. This articl...
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O perspectivă și analiză critică a GDPR. Protecţia intimităţii, drept sau iluzie. Apel la conștientizarea riscurilor mediului digital asupra dreptului la intimitate și viaţă privată
02 01 2019
This thesis aims to challenge the hypnotize that while indeed innovating, GDPR does not put in control the people over their data. It was not designed in this propose. All the made statements will be developed, supported, and explained and as much possible try to address in the body of the essay. Such as: Is the privacy yet a fundamental classic freedom right as used to refer in EU Charter of Fundamental Rights or Convention 108? Are yet the ...
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