Fiducia. Analiza definiţiei legale. Diferenţa specifică
12 01 2016
This study is the part dedicated to the legal definition of the trust in the Romanian Civil Code. As we have seen, usually defining a concept shall be made by indicating the genus proximum (the reference piont, the closest in meaning to the notion that is defined) and specific difference differentia specifica (characteristic feature of the concept that distinguishes it from other concepts contained in genus proximum...
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Despre patrimoniul de afectațiune profesională
06 01 2016
The professional patrimony is a juridical fiction based upon which the lawmaker grants a special legal regime to a fraction of the patrimony of a professional, destined for the exercise of a certain profession. This paper aims to reflect the complexity of the relations that reunite various assets, rights and obligations of the professional as well as the consequences of this legal construction, with reference to the special and unique destina...
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