Intabularea construcţiilor nefinalizate, o procedură într-adevăr benefică?
03 01 2018
We draw attention to a matter of interest which, insofar as it is not carefully monitored by the persons in charge of control in the field, may give rise to abuses in the process of transferring ownership of the buildings. We will refer to the unfinish ed constructions, for which the investor obtained the building permit, started the works, but did not finish them, the minutes of the reception at the end of the works are not concluded.
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Efecte ale insolvenţei antreprenorului cu privire la contractul de antrepriză în contextul noii legi a insolvenţei
11 01 2014
The initiation of insolvency proceedings against a contractor performing construction works is likely to cause detriment to the client considering the latter’s limited rights under Romanian law in case of the contractor’s default and the divergent case law on their enforceability. This article focuses on the client’s most important concerns and tries to determine to which extent these concerns are likely to be mitigated by the entrance into f...
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