Contracts concluded by electronic means in Georgian Law: the path towards europeanization
03 01 2024
The Law of Georgia dated 14 March 2008 „On Electronic Signature and Electronic Document” was abolished by the Law of Georgia dated 21 April 2017 „On Electronic Documents and Electronic Trust Services”.The reason for developing the new law was that its predecessor was adopted in 2008, after which some factual circumstances in Georgia changed substantially.The purpose of the current law is to determine the legal mechanisms for the us...
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Cum scriu un studiu de drept civil? Scurtă epistolă pentru neiniţiaţi
03 01 2020
A study of private law should be written with the conviction, even with the wrong conviction, that it can change the way the legal literature and the case-law see that topic. What I want to underline is that the psycological state of the one who tries to demonstrate an idea counts as much as his or her intellectual capacity or the bibliography that he or she consulted. This state, which I would dare to call „of grace”, could be decisive for or...
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Drept comercial sau dreptul afacerilor?
01 01 2018
The issue that we would like to deal with right from the beginning of this paper is the answer to the following question: if there are no traders, are there still trading companies? Is there a commercial law after the adoption of the new Civil Code?This debate is important, because, as we will see, until the new Civil Code was adopted, such distinction was the foundation of private law, namely the distinction between the civil law and the...
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