Adnotări la Kásler c. OTP Jelzálogbank. Cheie de lectură a unei hotărâri a Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene privind clauzele abuzive în contractele de credit de consum
05 01 2014
The Court of Justice of the European Union held on a request for a preliminary ruling (Kásler v OTP Jelzálogbank Zrt, C-26/13, 30 April 2014) concerning the allegedly unfair contractual term relating to the exchange rate applicable to repayments of a loan denominated in a foreign currency. This paper gives further explanations for the answers of the Court and analyses the relevance of these answers for the Romanian consumer of CHF de...
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Jurisprudenţa recentă a Curţii Federale de Justiţie a Germaniei în materia comisionului de analiză a dosarului în contractul de credit pentru consum
05 01 2014
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice issued on 13 May 2014 two decisions (XI ZR 405/12 and XI ZR 170/13) stating that contractual term regarding the processing fee in consumer loans is unfair and thus ineffective. This paper briefly explains the reasons for the Court’s decisions, which may be of certain importance for the on-going debates among Romanian scholars.
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