Digitalizarea vs Incidentele de Integritate în Administraţia Publică
03 01 2024
Digitalization in public administration promises greater efficiency and transparency. Digitalization facilitates access to information and processes, thereby reducing opportunities for corrupt acts and increasing accountability. Moreover, digital solutions can help prevent corruption by monitoring transactions and detecting suspicious activity. However, there are risks associated with data security, and integrity incidents can occur when info...
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Evoluții legislative relevante în utilizarea instrumentelor și proceselor digitale în materia dreptului societar
05 01 2023
Increasing the transparency of business activities, digitalisation of cross‑border public services and facilitating the access of companies, especially SMEs, to cross‑border operations are only some of the objectives of the integrated and digital Single Market at EU level. In the Communication An SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe, the European Commission announced the need to assess the introduction of additional measures in th...
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Critici cu privire la O.U.G. nr. 41/2022 pentru instituirea Sistemului național privind monitorizarea transporturilor rutiere de bunuri cu risc fiscal ridicat RO e‑Transport
05 01 2023
On January 1, 2023, economic operators who purchase goods established as being in the category of those with high fiscal risk by order of the president of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration subject to road transport at national level on public roads have the obligation to register the transport on the platform RO E‑Transport. Although the stated purpose of the regulation is to make the transparency of the import and export of goods ...
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Schiţă privind problemele juridice ale funcţionării inteligenţei artificiale în spaţiul juridic al omului
05 01 2021
Although there is much enthusiasm about the potential of artificial intelligence, the study expresses moderate skepticism when examining the limits of protecting the privacy of humans possibly attacked by intelligent machines. No matter how advanced technology may be, man will always be different from a robot.The elements that would capture the human-intelligent machine difference are essentially subject to the concept of human rights. T...
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