Propunerea de Regulament privind pieţele criptoactivelor și de modificare a Directivei (UE) 2019/1937
03 01 2022
The article is dedicated to the examination from a theoretical and normativeperspective of the Proposal for a EU Regulation on Markets in Crypto-assets, and amending Directive (EU) 2019/1937 („MiCA Regulation”). MiCA Regulation will replace existing European Union Member States’ legislation applicable to cryptoassets, which are not covered by the EU existing legislation on financial services.
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Aspecte vizând prevenirea spălării banilor și combaterea finanţării terorismului (AML/CFT) și aspecte fiscale vizând criptoactivele
02 01 2022
The study is dedicated to the examination of aspects related to the prevention ofmoney laundering and combating terrorist financing (AML / CFT) and fiscal aspects related to crypto-assets.
prevention of mo...
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Finanţarea utilizând criptoactive
01 01 2022
The study is dedicated to the examination from a normative, theoretical andtechnical perspective of companies’ fi nancing using crypto-assets (tokens andstablecoins), distributed ledger technology (DLT) and blockchain, representinga viable alternative to traditional financing methods. The sale of tokens (utilitytokens, security tokens) in exchange for fiduciary currency or other crypto-assets (including stablecoins) is...
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Criptomonedele și tehnologiile aferente acestora
03 01 2021
The study is dedicated to the presentation of digital currencies’ classification and essential terms related to cryptocurrencies and to technologies that powers them.
cryptocurrency, digital cu...
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