Protecţia drepturilor utilizatorilor finali în încheierea la distanţă a contractului de furnizare a serviciilor de telefonie mobilă (II)
02 01 2023
Through this article, the authors aim to highlight the importance of the rights of end users in the remote conclusion of a contract for the provision of mobile telephony services, in the context in which this way of concluding such a contract involves the exclusive use of one or more many means of remote communication, without the conclusion of the contract requiring the simultaneous physical presence of the two contracting parties. If in the...
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Protecţia drepturilor utilizatorilor finali în încheierea la distanţă a contractului de furnizare a serviciilor de telefonie mobilă (I)
06 01 2022
Through this article, the authors aim to highlight the importance of the rights of end users in the remote conclusion of a contract for the provision of mobile telephony services, in the context in which this way of concluding such a contract involves the exclusive use of one or more many means of remote communication, without the conclusion of the contract requiring the simultaneous physical presence of the two contracting parties. The debate...
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