Europeanul conflict de legi – și un litigiu de afaceri
02 01 2023
A series of cases drew attention to the link between the concept of conflict of laws and the European Union’s Law. The Ingmar GB Ltd. v. Eaton Leonard Technologie Inc. case law is one of them. I took the liberty to start a preliminary research on such link in the light of the message spread by the above-mentioned dispute. This message invites us all to take note of at least one idea – the neo-Savignian idea of exercising the concept of Europea...
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De la inovaţie doctrinară la normativitate transnaţională. Consideraţii asupra litigiului Bremen și alţii contra Zapata Off-Shore Co.
04 01 2020
The Bremen and others v. Zapata Off-Shore Co. case could be contemplated as a purely foreign trade case and not as international trade one. This article focuses on the idea that foreign trade and international trade are two different areas.Their interplay, if any, amounts to another idea; that is to sustain that the Bremen and others v. Zapata Off-Shore Co. case can be regarded as a particular stance of the transnationa...
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