Rolul responsabilului cu protecția datelor în respectarea drepturilor persoanei vizate
03 01 2019
It has been three years since the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, one of the most debated and analysed piece of EU legislation. Throughout this period, and especially after its implementation, starting with 25 May 2018, mechanisms have been explored and still are being explored aimed at ensuring that a reasonable balance is struck between the need to respect the rights of European citizens, called dat...
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Limitări și conflicte de interese la numirea și în exercitarea mandatului de administrator al unei societăți comerciale
12 01 2015
Members of the board of directors or board of supervisors mandate bears legal limitations and possible statutory limitations in order to ensure a fair administration, in the company’s interest, as it is sees by the law and the shareholders. To prevent the tendency of putting the personal interest above the company’s one, the law sanctions not only general issues, but defines certain particular situations considered presumptive conflictual form t...
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