Aspecte generale legate de competenţa judecătorului stagiar
04 01 2014
In the Romanian juridical space, recent years have witnessed a series of fundamental reforms aiming at both substantive law and procedural law, and resulting in the adoption of new codes, the Civil Code and the Code of Civil Procedure. Yet, the legislature, and even the doctrine, have not been concerned with certain issues of practical importance. One of these issues regards the jurisdiction of a trainee judge. In this paper, after an overview...
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Gestionarea conflictelor de competenţă în procedura falimentului internaţional
12 01 2013
The objective of this study is to identify the solutions developed for settling jurisdictional conflicts concerning the commencement of cross-border bankruptcy proceedings. The research methods used for this purpose are the analyzing of the proposals elaborated by the authorized bodies, and the researching of the jurisprudence configured in this area.The study conducted indicates that these conflicts on the opening of the cross-border b...
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