Cât de previzibilă ar fi putut fi impreviziunea în contractele de credit bancar?
06 01 2021
Although there is an express regulation under the Civil Code, both hardship and datio in solutum have particularly attracted the attention of the legislator, who considered that common regulation is not sufficient to resolve situations arising during the post-2008 economic crisis, when the debtors were no longer able to fulfill their obligations. Thus appeared Law no. 77/2016, which was “improved” along the way by Law no. 52/2020, its...
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Discuții referitoare la beneficiarii deducerii personale în cazul recăsătoriei soțului împreună cu care locuiește minorul provenit dintr-o căsătorie anterioară
04 01 2019
The situation of the minor child from previous marriages generates confusion regarding the persons who are entitled to the personal deduction when the parent the child lives with remarries.This confusion is generated by a difference of vision between the provisions of the Methodological Norms for the application of the Tax Code, on the one hand, and the provisions of the Tax Code and the Civil Code, on the other.This study is an a...
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Practicile şi clauzele contractuale abuzive între profesionişti
02 01 2014
Regulations of unfair contractual terms and practices are a relatively new field in the relations between companies. However, its importance should not be overviewed considering the high potential risk arising from it. There are a number of legislative provisions granting to the unfair terms and practices between professionals its due importance.Both European and national regulations incline to regulate more profoundly the relations betw...
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Conceptul de „venituri din activităţi desfăşurate în baza contractelor/convenţiilor civile” şi regimul fiscal aplicabil
04 01 2013
The paper outlines some changes made by the legislature within the Fiscal Code as a consequence of repealing the 1864 Civil Code and the 1888 Commercial Code and the coming into force of the new monistic Civil Code. The author considers that these recent changes in the Fiscal Code will influence the conduct of the parties to legal relations in the sense that they will attempt a qualification of the juridical nature of the concluded contract, ...
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