Pot fi neuzuale clauzele standard specifice unui sector de business?
01 01 2019
In most business areas, economic dynamics has generated the need to standardize contracts, with professionals currently using industry-specific market clauses in their fields.Firstly, a literal analysis of art. 1203 Romanian Civil code concludes that as long as a standard clause is at the expense of the other party or in favor of the proposer, that clause can be qualified as an unusual clause.Secondly, a teleological interpretation ...
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Efectele erga omnes ale hotărârilor judecătoreşti pronunţate în acţiunile în eliminarea clauzelor abuzive din contractele standard de consum
07 01 2013
The paper analyses the new collective actions for elimination of unfair terms from consumer contracts with regard to the effects of the judgments rendered in these cases. The judicial instruments for correcting unfair terms from standard contracts create an incomplete mechanism which produces an improper erga omnes effect.In the context of postponing this regulation, a legislative intervention is required for optimizing judgment...
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Consideraţii privind reglementarea noului Cod civil asupra clauzelor neuzuale
03 01 2013
The authors of the study review one of the novel solutions implemented by the new Civil Code of Romania in the area of contractual obligations, namely the regulation of the unusual clauses. These are defined as a species of standard clauses and may be viewed in general as clauses which purport to alter the balance of the obligations of the parties resulting from the statutory regulation of contracts for the benefit of the party which proposes...
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