Pasivitatea creditorului în ipoteza cumulului penalităților convenționale cu executarea în natură a obligației principale neconformă în ceea ce privește timpul sau locul executării
04 01 2023
This article aims to analyze especially the correlation between the final thesis of art. 1539 Civil Code and the provisions of art. 13. At first sight, it could be argued that in this situation silence is equivalent to consent, claiming that the creditor waives the right to request the penal clause or that through the text of the law in question the legislator instituted a legal obligation on his part in the sense of he does not remain passive...
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Revizuirea judiciară a sumelor stabilite prin clauzele penale
03 01 2012
The judge has the power to revise the amount of what is provided for in a penalty clause, in the case where this amount is “manifestly excessive” (art. 1541 Romanian Civil Code). In the legal system French we speak of a “manifestly excessive or derisory amount” (art. 1152 C. civ. français).So it is not only a question of allowing the judge to reduce a penalty, but also of increase it. However, as in other foreign systems, it is necessar...
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