Plata acreditivului documentar prin acceptarea de cambii
03 01 2019
The particularities implied by the usage of drafts as an honouring instrument inside the documentary credit suggests that the bills of exhange law reports are found inside this mechanism in a simplified form, ment to primarily assure the payment instrument function, and only exceptional the function of a credit instrument.
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Natura juridică şi fundamentul acţiunii directe a beneficiarului sau posesorului cambiei împotriva acceptantului sau avalistului în contextul noului Cod civil
02 01 2018
The Direct action is a means of achieving claims specific to situations where there is no contractual relationship between the creditor and the debtor or the defendant of the direct action, but the creditor may take the action to see his claim paid.Direct action is a privilege assigned only to certain creditors expressly prescribed by law. Bold direct action is part of this narrow circle of direct payment actions, being regulated from th...
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