Cum scriu
03 01 2020
The honesty of an author consists in acknowledging and exploring the scientific precedents on which his or her research is based.
bibliography, honesty, legal practice, legal literature.
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Cum scriu
03 01 2020
I must read everything was written before I start writing. (…) In the legal field, every word counts.
dialectical triad thesis-antithesis-synthesis, bibliography, decision of the European Court of Human Rights, s...
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Să scrii se învaţă scriind!
03 01 2020
Every idea, every article is an experience, an exploration; you start without confidence or perhaps not much interest, as in every beginning, and once you realise that you are able to say something relevant, your written product takes shape; there are those moments, maybe minutes, which seem like small cracks or nuances in relation to which you might have a small contribution.
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Cum scriu un studiu de drept civil? Scurtă epistolă pentru neiniţiaţi
03 01 2020
A study of private law should be written with the conviction, even with the wrong conviction, that it can change the way the legal literature and the case-law see that topic. What I want to underline is that the psycological state of the one who tries to demonstrate an idea counts as much as his or her intellectual capacity or the bibliography that he or she consulted. This state, which I would dare to call „of grace”, could be decisive for or...
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