Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: arhitect

Profesia de arhitect în România. PARTEA II – Exercitarea profesiei
02 01 2015
The second part of the series of articles relating to the architect profession is focused on practical aspects of the profession, describing the forms in which it is performed, the actual activity of the architect, his civil liability and other issues of interest. The matters referring to the organisation of the profession have made the object of the first part of this article, published in the Romanian Review of Business Law no. 12/2014....
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Profesia de arhitect în România Partea I – Organizarea profesiei
12 01 2014
This first part of the series of articles relating to the architect profession concerns the formal aspects related to the organisation of the architect profession in Romania, describing the manner in which the (national) professional bodies operate, as well as the procedure for entering the profession. The aspects related to the performance of the profession – the forms of performance, the actual activity of the architect, its liability and o...
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Noutăţi privind răspunderea antreprenorului potrivit Codului civil (II)
02 01 2013
This article represents the second part of a study aimed to provide an overview over the services and construction contractors’ liability under the Romanian Civil code. In this second part, the authors focused to the special provisions from the Romanian Civil code, applicable to construction contracts and also provided brief considerations with regard to the termination of the contractor agreements. Where the case, the special legislation has ...
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