Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: acţionari

La compétition réglementaire pour sociétés et actionnaires dans l’Union européenne
This article discusses regulatory competition for companies and shareholders in the European Union and concludes that it follows the American pattern. The article places an emphasis on the regulatory competition for listed companies. Keywords:
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Reflectarea principiilor guvernanţei corporatiste în legislaţia societară
A modern society, where the corporate bodies are the main vectors of the economic life, needs solid rules to promote financial stability and to ensure that the companies are truly accountable not only to their shareholders but also to build and maintain public trust in companies and in their day to day management for the public benefit. This presentation aims to evaluate the enactment in the Romanian legislation, with special regard to the Comp...
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Organizarea şi desfăşurarea adunării generale a acţionarilor societăţilor pe acţiuni admise la tranzacţionare
01 01 2014
Conducting a General Meeting of Shareholders is a step in the mechanism of forming the corporate will and is regulated by rules of public order, their observance having the purpose of protecting the shareholders, the company and third parties, thus ensuring the stability of legal relationships.
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Convocarea şedinţei adunării generale a societăţii pe acţiuni
12 01 2013
The procedure for convening a General Meeting of Shareholders is a step in the mechanism of forming the corporate will and is regulated by rules of public order, their observance protecting the shareholders, the company and the third parties, thus ensuring the stability of legal relationships.
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