Gestionarea conflictelor de competenţă în procedura falimentului internaţional
Numărul 12 Anul 2013
The objective of this study is to identify the solutions developed for settling jurisdictional conflicts concerning the commencement of cross-border bankruptcy proceedings. The research methods used for this purpose are the analyzing of the proposals elaborated by the authorized bodies, and the researching of the jurisprudence configured in this area.The study conducted indicates that these conflicts on the opening of the cross-border b...
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Protecţia informaţiilor prin clasificarea lor, o formă de restrângere a dreptului la informaţie
Numărul 12 Anul 2013
The enactment of the right to information under Art. 31 of the Constitution also allowed the enactment of certain constitutional exceptions from the exercise of this right, such as the „national security”. Law No. 544/2001 on free access to public information implemented such fundamental right into Romanian legislation, and one year after, the enactment into legislation of the exception on restricting public access to information of interest f...
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