Articole din categoria: Anul 2024

Restrângerea nejustificată a dreptului de a fi reprezentat la înmatricularea autovehiculelor precum și perturbarea mediului concurenţial prin procedura prevăzută în Ordinul M.A.I. nr. 1501/2006
This study analyses the impact of unjustified restrictions on the right to be represented in the vehicle registration procedure and the disruption of the competitive environment through the procedures set out in Order of Ministry of Internal Affair no 1501/2006. By assessing the legislation and administrative practices in this area, we identify discrepancies between the rules imposed and the stated objectives of ensuring fairness and efficienc...
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Aplicaţiile de recunoaștere facială în context legal
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
This work presents a face detection application, which is governed by users, through an app. Each user can upload pictures of themselves in the app and then give consent for processing. The app will then train a computer vision AI model based on the inputs provided by the user. Once this process is finished, the user can request the app to search the internet for their face. Afterwards, the user can decide what should the system do in case of p...
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Finanţarea structurilor sportive în România
Numărul 3 Anul 2024
A significant and intricate component of Romanian sports law involves financing the activity of sports structures. In Romania, an overwhelming majority of sports structures are funded from public sources. Whether we refer to public or private law sports structures, both have the capacity to benefit from public funds allocated by Romanian state through projects for non-profit activities of general interest, financing contracts, or subsidies, due...
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Teoria facilităţilor esenţiale în dreptul european al concurenţei
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
The present paper analyses the essential facilities doctrine and its application in the decisions of the European Commission and the case-law of the European Court of Justice in cases of abuse of dominant position. More precisely, the paper seeks to explore the conditions in which a dominant undertaking may be obliged to share with its competitors access to certain goods, services or rights which the former holds under exclusivity and which ar...
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Procedura de insolvenţă pe bază de plan de rambursare a datoriilor
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
The definition of the administrative procedure sought to relieve the courts, by transferring to the insolvency commissions the role of mediator between the debtors and the creditors for the realization of a debt repayment plan through which most of the debts are covered or even in full but without accessories, in a reasonable period. ...
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Identitatea și identificarea – elemente ale persuasiunii autentice
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
In the legal system, persuasion plays a central role in the success or failure of cases presented before the court. An attorney’s ability to convince the judge is not solely based on the presentation of solid legal arguments but also on a complex set of psychological and emotional factors. Among these, the identity and identification of judges with the attorneys’ arguments are essential. These elements contribute to creating a connection betwe...
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Răspunderea membrilor organelor de administrare ale societăţii insolvente (Partea I – Răspunderea în procedura de drept comun)
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
Personal liability of the directors towards the creditors follows the liability of the legal person, the one that is damaged by the torts of the directors, so that it aims to reintegrate the corporate assets. The damage thus affects the legal person and only indirectly and implicitly the creditors, the latter being the recipients of the compensation only in the case of the judicial liquidation of the legal person.The personal liability c...
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Deschiderea procedurii de insolvenţă faţă de pârât. Natura juridică a soluţiilor de suspendare și încetare prevăzute de art. 75 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 85/2014. Sistematizarea soluţiilor care pot fi pronunţate în primă instanţă, apel sau recurs în acţiunea în pretenţii de drept comun
Numărul 2 Anul 2024
My main goal writing this article was to organize the possible rulings in a regular civil claim procedure against an undertaking which became subject to an insolvency procedure. In order to achieve my goal, I analyzed the nature of the judgments of stay and closing imposed by art. 75 paragraph 1 from Law no. 85/2014.I concluded that both stay, and closing, are part of the same automatic stay international principle, and not two independe...
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Contractul transnațional – un concept evolutiv
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
The notion of „transnational contract” springs from contemporary transnational realities. A number of fields, for example, the field of financial services or the field of insurance and reinsurance services, respectively, provide fertile ground for the practice of transnational law itself. The undeniable transnational realities dilute the distinctions between „domestic contract” and „international contract” and prompt national courts to evaluat...
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Scurte considerații asupra scrisorii de confort
Numărul 1 Anul 2024
Through this article, the author aims to make a brief analysis of the provisions of the article 2322 of the New Civil Code regarding the comfort letter. The subject is approached both from a theoretical perspective and from a commercial practice perspective as this new legal instrument offers flexibility in creating its content and multiple practice opportunities. The text takes into account elements of international jurisprudence as well as th...
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