Reorganizarea persoanei juridice în viziunea Noului Cod civil
Numărul 7 Anul 2015
This article’s purpose is to perform a comparative analysis between the procedure of restructuring the legal persons as set by the old regulations before the new Civil Code, and the present procedure set by the latter – with the aim to identify and observe the common elements, as well as the particulars of the new regulation.The author also related to the provisions of some special regulations, in particular of Companies Law no. 31/...
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Despre specificul competenței și a procedurii de constatare și sancționare a contravențiilor la regimul juridic al pieței de capital, al asigurărilor și al pensiilor private
Numărul 11 Anul 2014
The present study has proposed as primary objective the identification, analysing and presentation of the specific legal status of observing and sanctioning by the competent authorities the facts considered by the legislation in force, as being contraventions to some specific activities of the capital market, more precisely, of some categories of financial instruments, the insurance and reinsurance and, not lastly, the activities and operation...
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Unele contribuţii privind clarificarea regimului juridic al majorării capitalului social al societăţilor reglementate de Legea nr. 31/1990 privind societăţile, prin utilizarea procedeului (sursei) compensării unor creanţe lichide şi exigibile asupra societăţii, cu acţiuni ale acesteia
Numărul 8 Anul 2014
The current study has as a main objective the thorough analysis of the legal issues regarding the increase of the registered capital of a company in different stages of its existence, including the judiciary reorganization procedure, using as a method and a source the “compensation of liquid and exigibil claims of the company with its own shares” stipulated in the last thesis of article 210, paragraph 2, Law no. 31/1990. Moreover, I tried to ...
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