Articole de la același autor Prof. univ. dr. Lucian Bernd SĂULEANU

Este profesor universitar la Facultatea de Drept din cadrul Universităţii din Craiova, unde predă cursul de „Dreptul societăţilor” și avocat în Baroul Dolj (Decan al Baroului Dolj din anul 2015). După obţinerea titlului de doctor în drept în anul 2000 cu teza „Specificul obligaţiilor comerciale în comparaţie cu obligaţiile civile”, și-a orientat activitatea spre domeniul dreptului comercial, fiind autorul mai multor studii și monografii, printre care „Societăţi comerciale. Adunările generale ale acţionarilor” (Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureşti, 2008), „Contractul de asociere în participaţie” (Editura Hamangiu, Bucureşti, 2009), „Societăţi comerciale. Studii” (Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2012).
Aspecte controversate privind regimul juridic al dividendelor
Regarding the scope of application of article 67 paragraph (6) of Law no. 31/1990, namely whether it also applies in the case of the valorization of securities in the context of a forced execution that is carried out by way of a sale (amicable, direct or forced), and the adjudication act represents, at least regarding the nature and legal consequences, a genuine sale-purchase contract by which the property right over the goods that are the sub...
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Să scrii se învaţă scriind!
Every idea, every article is an experience, an exploration; you start without confidence or perhaps not much interest, as in every beginning, and once you realise that you are able to say something relevant, your written product takes shape; there are those moments, maybe minutes, which seem like small cracks or nuances in relation to which you might have a small contribution.
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Obligaţia băncilor de informare a consumatorilor în cazul creditelor acordate în franci elvețieni
The present paper analyses the duty to inform consumers imposed to the banks in the hypothesis of loans granted in CHF, within the context of the umpredicible evolution undergone by this currency. The argument put forward is that the bank is obliged to inform the vulnerable consumers on the foreign currency risk, and the breach of such obligation is the nullity on the basis of fraud consisting of the omission to communicate the necessary infor...
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Răspunderea asociaţilor în societăţile în nume colectiv
Law no. 31/1991 regulating the companies sets a different liability of the shareholders depending on the type of company and, therefore, the status of the shareholder in a certain type of company is directly linked with a certain degree of personal liability of that company.From this point of view it is important to determine if the associates can derogate from these legal provision and grand themselves, through the Articles of incorporat...
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Consideraţii cu privire la cazurile de excludere a asociaţilor din societăţile comerciale cu răspundere limitată
Since the activity of the company depends on the conduct of the associates and the manner in which they perform their statutory and legal duties, Law no. 31/1990 regulated the exclusion of the associates under certain circumstances for the purpose of protecting the company, but also the interests of the associates.Exclusion is a sanction against the associate who does not perform certain duties or causes a certain prejudice to the compan...
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