Originea societăţii ca instituţie clasică a dreptului privat
Numărul 6 Anul 2015
This article aims at analyzing the society contract as a classic private law institution in terms of its origin. We notice that the first mention of the society contract origin is recorded within the papyrus “New Gaius ” at the end of the fourth century and early fifth century which indicates the legal arrangement called “antiquum consortium” or “ercto non cito“, forms of family severalty,...
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Avocatul European – Privilegii şi îndatoriri
Numărul 12 Anul 2014
The paper deals with the issue of the lawyer within the European context, highlighting his rights according to European regulations which establish and ensure the European lawyers freedom of movement and practice the profession in the EU. Statistics prove that these prerogatives recongnised to the European lawyer did not go unnoticed, the large and growing number of lawyers who decided to practice under the professional title of their state of ...
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