Exproprierea de fapt prin intermediul planurilor urbanistice
Numărul 8 Anul 2012
The article starts from different factual situations in order to draw the attention over a practice that is widely spread and clearly illegal: the factual misappropriation of immovable assets especially plots of land, for the construction in an undefined future of public interest objectives. Every day, in every important city of Romania, the provisions of Article 1 of the 1st Protocol of the European Convention for Human Rights are manifestly b...
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Incidenţa principiului termenului rezonabil în materia colectării creanţelor fiscale
Numărul 4 Anul 2012
By two decisions of 29 March 2012, the Court of Justice of the European Union decided on the conflict between the principle of reasonable time and that of the effectiveness of collecting direct taxes and VAT. The winner, in terms of scoring, was the principle of reasonable time which prevails due to the incapacity of administrative authorities and courts to manage the collection of taxes and duties in an efficient manner.These decisions...
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Norma de conflict care guvernează determinarea legii aplicabile în raporturile contractuale cu element de extraneitate
Numărul 3 Anul 2012
Along with the coming into force of the Rome Convention in Romania, the practitioner was confronted with the issue of determining the law applicable in international contractual relations, and was unwillingly transformed in a sort of a political buffoon, puzzled by the importance of the revision, but still a patriot resisting globalization. The emergence of the Rome Convention in Romanian positive law generated a pro-active reaction for the pr...
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