Despre limitele aduse dreptului de proprietate privată prin Legea nr. 238/2004 a petrolului
Numărul 8 Anul 2016
The free exercise of the private ownership right on land is limited in terms of the use – as an attribute of it by Law no. 238/2004 of oil, which entitles the owner of natural resources the possibility to use the land soil to conduct on this works that have as the use of the subsoil where the underground deposit is located. The restriction of the private ownership right of the landowner in the subsoil where are the natural resources is co...
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Despre natura juridică a dării în plată a imobilelor în vederea stingerii obligațiilor asumate prin credite
Numărul 5 Anul 2016
The study analyzes the new institution of datio in solutum of the immovable properties in order to settle the obligations through loans, in terms of its legal nature, seeking to know whether it can be placed into a pattern already known from the theory of civil obligations or if it exceeds these patterns. Datio in solutum of Law. 77/2016 is compared with the datio in solutum of the Civil Code, with the objective novation by change of ...
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