(R)e-concepţii privind statutul celebrităţii și al drepturilor personalităţii
Numărul 6 Anul 2023
The present paper aims, in the context of the new business model of „monetization” of online attention, to open the discussion regarding the current status of rights traditionally associated with personality and private life, such as the right to name, image, voice or likeness. We have an advantageous starting point and, at the same time, a first legal argument in the conceptual model of the American right of publicity, representing the right ...
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Societatea-problemă și obligaţiile-problemă (ale acţionarilor)
Numărul 2 Anul 2023
As Armour, Hansmann & Kraakman’s classic Anatomy of Corporate Law attests, limited liability is a powerful “owner shield”, in fact, the reverse of “entity shielding” and, together with it, two of the main components of legal personality.The “company shield” protects the company’s assets from the possible claims of the shareholders’ creditors, while the “shareholders’ shield” protects the shareholders’ assets from those of the company’...
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Responsabilitatea socială corporativă din perspectivă
juridică. O discuție actuală
Numărul 4 Anul 2016
juridică. O discuție actuală
It is a fact that economy has undergone profound changes, in recent years, that have changed the physiognomy of companies and corporate law, and at the same time put ethics on the jurists’ agenda. The new stakeholder approach to corporate governance, regarding the maximization of the interests of all the parties impacted by the activities of a company, implicitly generates corporate social responsibility (CSR). The doctrine of ”legitimate expe...
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Când nu mai este secret un secret comercial?
Numărul 8 Anul 2013
In this article, the author analyses the relationship between the right to be informed and trade secrets, in a context in which traders often invoke the privilege of keeping secret information that would also contribute to identifying the effects of their activities on human health and the environment. On the one hand, the ability to keep certain information secret is often a matter of survival for traders, on the other, access to data may be ...
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