Infracțiunea de operațiuni ilegale cu instrumente de plată fără numerar
Numărul 5 Anul 2023
Crimes against patrimony committed in the virtual environment are in a continuous expansion as the frequency of using electronic means of payment is steadily increasing. The need to incriminate harmful acts against the patrimony that are committed by means of non‑cash payment instruments is thus undeniable.However, the new offense introduced in the Penal Code can be critically analysed by reference to its constitutive content. The article...
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Critici referitoare la previzibilitatea și accesibilitatea normei penale ce incriminează infracţiunea de executare fără autorizaţie de construire sau de desfiinţare ori cu nerespectarea prevederilor acesteia a lucrărilor de intervenţie asupra monumentelor istorice sau construcţiilor amplasate în zone de protecţie a monumentelor și în zone construite protejate
Numărul 5 Anul 2022
Article 24 of the Law no. 50/1991 on the authorization of the execution of construction works stipulates the crime of execution without a construction permit, dismantling, or with non-compliance with its provisions refering to the construction, reconstruction, extension, repair, consolidation, protection, restoration, preservation, as well as any other works, regardless of their value, carried out at all categories of historical monuments prov...
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