Electrabel v. Hungary sau deconstrucția unei fragmentări. Studiu de caz privind reglementarea prin arbitraj a diferendelor intra-UE dintre un investitor și o parte contractantă la Tratatul privind Carta energiei
Numărul 8 Anul 2016
An argument, which has been repeatedly and consistently advanced in the intra EU disputes by the European Commission and the EU Member States is that there is a sort of inherent conflict between EU law and the investment arbitration under Energy Charter Treaty, which would somehow prevent European investors from using it against EU Member States. Conflict of treaties is a hot topic leading to a more general debate on the alleged fragmentation ...
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Forum Shopping Revisited: un scenariu încă posibil în acţiunile în despăgubire pentru prejudiciile generate de cartelurile transfrontaliere
Numărul 5 Anul 2015
This article aims to reassess the practice of forum-shopping in transnational cartel damages actions, which has been consistently criticized by EU bodies. In the view of EU bodies, the heterogeneity of the national rules governing actions for damages affects the substantive effectiveness of the right to compensation that derive from the TFEU. Such an attitude stems more from rhetoric of prejudice than from an objective consideration of forum s...
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Under Umbrella Pricing sau despre activism judiciar și ubicuitatea prejudiciilor
Numărul 10 Anul 2014
The judgement of the Court of Justice in Kone represents another case of private enforcement of competition law in EU. This time the Court has gone too far in its attempt of creating an indirect harmonization of civil procedural rules by virtue of an ample reading of the principle of effectiveness. In Kone judgement, the Court ruled that umbrella pricing theory enters the scope of the protective provisions of Article 101 TFE...
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Protecţia sănătăţii – principiu interpretativ în practica organului de reglementare a diferendelor din cadrul Organizaţiei Mondiale a Comerţului
Numărul 7 Anul 2013
The relationship between the dispute settlement mechanism of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the human right to health is extremely complex and it covers a wide spectrum of ethical, political and juridical issues. The WTO applicable law includes provisions, such as Article XX letter b) of the GATT, that make us believe that the human right to health is determinant in interpreting the obligations of the WTO Members and their refuse to co...
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