Articole cu aceleași cuvânt cheie: vânzare

Natura juridică și validitatea contractului futures cu preț negativ
02 01 2020
The article represents an analysis of the legal nature and validity of the futures contract with negative price, where the seller pays a sum of money to the acquirer, as well as of the particularities and legal regime of this type of contract. The starting point of the analysis was the fall of the oil price below zero dollars per barrel on the US futures market, for the first time in history. This decrease was caused by the imminence of high s...
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Unele considerații referitoare la regimul juridic actual al bunurilor imobile clasificate ca monumente istorice, cu privire specială asupra condițiilor și a procedurii de înstrăinare a unor astfel de bunuri
The aim of this study refers to the identification and the classification of the historical monuments transfer and mostly to its legal framework specificity. We also tried to emphasize and criticize the Romanian state right of preemption, regarding the historical monuments, in case the owners express their intent of selling them. ...
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Vânzarea prin licitaţie publică, potrivit Codului de procedură civilă, a bunurilor debitorului declarat în faliment
The new Law on pre-insolvency and insolvency procedures, after settling the predicament in a special manner of liquidation of the debtor’s assets in bankruptcy, including by selling assets, offers a final solution for valuing the debtor’s patrimonial assets, using the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, in order to sell by public auction the assets of the debtor. The disclosure of the purpose of the reference standard and of the compatibi...
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