Relativitatea răspunderii limitate sau finalitatea unui concept protector
05 01 2023
The limited liability company drives around the legal system in an environment where duet o several interventions and reevaluations have as goal the distroing of the concept itself – the limited liabiliality. This is the reason why in the new law context we have to rearange the role of the limited liability of the shareholders.
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Achiziţia de societate prin efect de levier (lbo) şi fuziunea
10 01 2014
There are several means for acquisition of companies, among which also with leverage buy-out combined with merger that is quite rare in practice, but not impossible. Therefore, a good knowledge of how leveraged buy-out works, how you select a target company, which are the stages of the acquisition and the possibility to use merger to facilitate the acquisition, are elements necessary for a better understanding of such operation in order to use...
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